Health & Safety Policy Statement

The following policy statement is applicable to all works, sites and operations belonging to and conducted by Blackledge Plant Hire Limited.

The company will take all reasonable and practicable steps to:
  • Ensure the health, safety and welfare of all employees at work and of those who may be affected by the Company’s operations.
  • Prevent damage to buildings, plant and equipment.

In particular the Company will seek to:
  • Provide and promote safe and healthy working conditions.
  • Provide information, instruction, training and supervision to enable all work to be safely and efficiently carried out.
  • Install and make available such safety devices and protective equipment that may be suitable to the circumstances and practice of any operations and to provide instruction and supervision of their proper use and maintenance.
  • Maintain a continuing interest in the development of health and safety and encourage the active participation of all employees.

Legislation, Approved Codes of Practice, and informed guidance will be regarded as the basis upon which the company health and safety organisation and working procedures are designed.

The particular responsibilities for health and safety held by the Managing Director, Health and Safety Manager, Department Managers and Employees will be clearly set out in writing with the Health and Safety Management System.

Employees will be kept informed of legal requirements, Codes of Practice and other such information and advice which may influence the safe performance of their respective roles and functions.

In all matters relating to health and safety at work, the company will utilise the company the Health & Safety Manager.

There shall be established at each works, such consultative procedures and may be necessary to:
  • Enable employees to participate in the development of health and safety practices.
  • Provide effective communications with a view to passing health and safety information on potentially hazardous situations and notifying action taken to improve health and safety performance.

Details of the organisation and arrangements for securing health, safety and welfare of employees and others who may be affected by their activities will be held within the Health & Safety Management System.

Name: Paul Fox
Position: Managing Director
Date: 10th March 2022