Charity partnership with Trinity Hospice

Charity partnership with Trinity Hospice

Fox Brothers are extremely proud to announce that we have entered into a charity partnership with Trinity Hospice.

The Hospice has been at the heart of the Fylde Coast for 35 years. It provides exceptional care and support for people on the journey towards the end of life. Each year, their specialist nursing teams touch the lives of thousands of people. This has included a number of Fox Brothers employees in recent years.

As a charity, the Hospice must raise over £5 million each year. This ensures it can continue to provide outstanding end of life care to those who need it. We at Fox Brothers hope to play a small part, together with all of their other partners, in helping them achieve this.

We have a number of fundraising activities and events lined up for 2020 and we will be posting more details about these in the coming weeks.

In the meantime, if you would like to find out more about the amazing Trinity Hospice, go to the following link: – ‘It’s not what you think it is’

February 20th, 2020 | Fox Brothers

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