

Over the years Fox Group has expanded greatly—collaborating with many respected names to provide collaborative services across the UK.

The heart of the business will always be in Blackpool—serving and supporting the nation from our roots. Our bases stretch from Newcastle to the South Coast, and across to the Isle of Man. We operate quarries, tips, landfill, recycling and waste recycling yards, a railhead and ships all over the country. From locals to corporate building companies, no job is too big or small. When you choose our products, you can be assured of quality and a fair price.

Corporate Social Responsibility

At Fox Group we are passionate about modernising the construction service and haulage industry through a focus on sustainability and de-carbonisation. We take active responsibility to monitor and improve on our carbon footprint. Due to the nature of our work in regards to payloads and terrain we make the changes we can to be greener. In recent years, the group have made a conscious effort to cut their carbon emissions. Pioneering within our industry, our chief executive Paul Fox was labelled ‘change-maker’ for individuals leading a ‘green revolution’ in a bid to help reach the sustainability goal of Carbon Net Zero by 2050.

Our extremely successful wash plant at J.A Jackson and our Leyland railhead further enhance the sustainability initiatives.

Being family owned; our work force are part of one big family working with passion, trust and reliability. In an industry that traditionally relies on a high proportion of agency staff, we are proud to create secure jobs for our team. We value our team and always aim to employ locally. We employ people of all ages and backgrounds - providing a fair chance for all.


For any products that are not listed – Get in touch with our Sales Team as we may be able to help.

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